Dec 20, 2012 6:09 am
Gift giving and be hard…and expensive. So, why not gift jewelry that you are planning on selling? There are certain pieces of jewelry that might mean more to someone as a gift rather than selling it for a price lower than you expected. Silver chain-link Tiffany bracelets usually sell for a lower price than other Tiffany jewelry, because it is silver. By simply re-polishing the bracelet and gifting it to a friend that would appreciate it, you can give the bracelet a new life!
Redesigning old jewelry can also be an easy way to get a better value for your jewelry. By dipping a yellow-gold ring in white-gold, you can make the ring blend in with today’s fashion (making it a more versatile piece). A redesigned piece can also make a great gift for a friend or loved one.
Despite the changes that you can do to make a piece of jewelry more desirable, there are a few things to consider before you rush to regift old jewelry:
1. The gift should be a good match.
Do not regift just to regift. If you think the receiver won’t like the gift, then the receiver probably won’t either. Make sure that before you regift, that the receiver will appreciate and use it. If not, then don’t bother to regift it.
2. Make sure the gift is in good condition.
You wouldn’t want to receive a damaged or broken gift, so don’t regift jewelry that is. Redesign it or pair it with another piece of matching jewelry or accessory.
3. Do not regift to the same social circle.
You do not want to make it obvious that you’re regifting, especially if you’ve forgotten who gave it to you. You don’t want to accidentally give it back to its original owner, so regift to a different social group.
4. Remove the evidence.
Be sure that when you do regift a piece of jewelry that you don’t wrap it in the same bag that was given to you as a gift. Take off old tags and put it in a new bag.
If you are hesitant to regift, then you might feel guilty about it when you do. Take the time to turn your old jewelry into something new if you plan to regift it, and research the value of the jewelry you are still willing to sell.