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[id] => 1755
[title] => Buy Silver When Prices Are Low
[slug] => buy-silver-when-prices-are-low
[content] =>
Now is a great time to stock up on gold and silver coins from the United States Mint. These coins are currently going down in price and sales, and as a result the collectors might be wise to jump on the dipped prices. These people who buy and sell gold in NYC know a thing or two about buying when prices are low and holding out for a better market to make a bunch of money when prices hit their highs again.
Selling and buying gold in New York can be an incredibly lucrative business to get involved in. This is the sort of thing that does not stop being lucrative or worthwhile just because prices go up and down. These coins that the United States' Mint makes are a great example of an item that has a great resell value and that resell value often climbs as time marches on.
So when you see prices in the market going up and down for silver and gold do not take that as a tell-all sign that the market is in trouble. These ebbs and flows are just a part of the business and offer a fantastic opportunity for a wide array of people to get in on the market when things are selling low.
[author_id] => 2
[date_published] => 2012-03-06 09:06:00
[date_added] => 2012-03-05 15:06:55
[date_updated] => 2018-12-20 10:24:59
[status] => pub
[tag] => Array
[0] => Gold and Silver Buying
[comments] => Array
[1] => BlogArticle Object
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[required] => Please enter the article contents.
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[id] => 1754
[title] => Gold Buyers Are Always Confident
[slug] => gold-buyers-are-always-confident
[content] =>
Once again the bouncing up and down of gold and the dollar is in gold's favor. The seemingly perpetual shifting in gold and other commodities prices against the dollar is a perpetual mystery. Certainly there are many people who posit their predictions of where each of these things will land next but it is hardly an exact science.
The shift back in gold's favor will likely assuage some of the fears of gold buyers in nyc not to mention people hoping to sell gold nyc. Of course for most of the people working in that field on a regular basis things already seem pretty sound. In fact, gold sellers and buyers have a fairly resolute confidence in their decisions to invest in gold because time has always been rather kind to such investments. It isn't that there is no uncertainty but given the other investment opportunities in the world it has always seemed far more sound and reliable.
These days people have lost money in stocks and housing, things financial advisers still to this day consider integral parts of a well rounded financial portfolio. Gold buyers and even many gold sellers on the other hand have remained fairly comfortable even with all of the turmoil.
[author_id] => 2
[date_published] => 2012-02-28 15:32:00
[date_added] => 2012-02-27 21:32:16
[date_updated] => 2018-12-20 10:27:03
[status] => pub
[tag] => Array
[0] => Selling Gold
[1] => Gold and Silver Buying
[comments] => Array
[2] => BlogArticle Object
[_table:protected] => blog_articles
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[id] => 1753
[title] => A Passion For Buying And Selling Gold In NYC
[slug] => a-passion-for-buying-and-selling-gold-in-nyc
[content] => Humans are intrinsically interested in the shiny veneer of gold. Whether in bricks, nuggets or well designed and wearable jewelry, there is a part of our psyche that sees the sparkly element as implicitly valuable. As humans we get to define how valuable things are and for one reason or another, be it scarcity, usefulness or something far more primal, we humans are
passionate about gold.
Gold buyers NYC are a great way to take the temperature of mankind when it comes to our collective love affair with gold. You see a sense that gold is not only a driver economically but also a driver of people's passion. There is no other explanation for the folks who have excess jewelry that they are looking to sell. People do not just end up having gold, or if they do it is as a result of someone else's gold passion.
Selling gold in NYC is usually not the result of someone souring on the beaming pride they get from gold in general. It is usually more of practical concerns getting in the way of their passionate interest in gold. Cultivating a collection of gold is not only about buying, sometimes it is about selling. Those who understand gold beyond their passion know this.
[author_id] => 2
[date_published] => 2012-02-22 10:37:00
[date_added] => 2012-02-21 16:37:58
[date_updated] => 2018-12-20 10:29:09
[status] => pub
[tag] => Array
[0] => Selling Gold
[1] => Gold and Silver Buying
[comments] => Array
[3] => BlogArticle Object
[_table:protected] => blog_articles
[validations:protected] => Array
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[required] => Please provide a title.
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[required] => Please enter the article contents.
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[date] => A valid date is required.
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[id] => 1748
[title] => Riding The Gold Market
[slug] => riding-the-gold-market
[content] =>
As always attempting to predict where the gold market is going leads to surprises and miscalculations. This week there has been a new surge in gold prices on the back of new unease for the dollar. As a result gold prices are now hitting their highest price in three weeks. Of course that small window suggests that movement in the gold market is likely to continue to fluctuate somewhat wildly for the period. That said anyone interested in selling gold NYC will do well to get their stuff together and sell this week.
However if you are still trying to not rush and hoping for a bit more in the market you might be safe to sit on your investment for the next week or so. As always those who hope to sell gold NYC are always taking a risk of selling too low or waiting too long and eventually having to sell when prices are dropping. In a way that is the fun of these investments. Minding the market is one of the more engaging ways to handle personal finance. It adds an element of game play to the world of investment and encourages and informs of risk. That's right? The gold market can be fun!
[author_id] => 2
[date_published] => 2012-01-17 08:17:00
[date_added] => 2012-01-16 14:17:44
[date_updated] => 2018-12-20 10:30:33
[status] => pub
[tag] => Array
[0] => Selling Gold
[1] => Jewelry Trends
[2] => Gold and Silver Buying
[comments] => Array
[4] => BlogArticle Object
[_table:protected] => blog_articles
[validations:protected] => Array
[title] => Array
[required] => Please provide a title.
[content] => Array
[required] => Please enter the article contents.
[date_published] => Array
[date] => A valid date is required.
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[id] => 1742
[title] => Gold Parties For Buyers And Sellers Alike
[slug] => gold-parties-for-buyers-and-sellers-alike
[content] =>
Another week another news story on the newly prevalent Gold Party trend. Gold parties are a great way to unload some of your unwanted jewelry to friends and confidants while enjoying a glass of wine or three and some nice hors d'oeuvres. Attending gold parties can be just as lucrative for a savvy party goer. Your host is unloading their unwanted jewelry offering you a chance to get this stuff at really excellent prices. If you pay close attention to the gold markets you can then flip the purchases by finding your own NYC gold buyers.
Of course sometimes simply getting some gorgeous new jewelry is what drives a person to a gold party and why not? There is a great selection of stuff in a lot of our friend's jewelry cases and just because they are over them does not mean you will be. You have a great opportunity to play the gold market on a small scale when you sell gold in NYC at gold parties. They are like little conventions of high commerce and a great way for all parties involved to get something they want out of the experience. It is a great social option for buyers and sellers alike.
[author_id] => 2
[date_published] => 2011-11-30 15:15:00
[date_added] => 2011-11-29 21:15:49
[date_updated] => 2018-12-20 10:32:31
[status] => pub
[tag] => Array
[0] => Selling Gold
[1] => Gold and Silver Buying
[comments] => Array